I am not a “medical expert”, but I am a data analyst with a financial background. I try my best to make a calculated decision based on the data I have been given in almost every situation I find myself in.
So I felt the need to put my expertise to use, given the situation we are all facing today.
Firstly, Seek to understand someone’s reason for choosing for or against somethings. If we all just humble ourselves and ask WHY? Perhaps we can learn from each other… But DO NOT push your opinions and call people names for having a different view. Seek to understand another person’s point of view… we are all looking at things from different angles and that is what makes us human – different / unique.
We can not carry on with this ‘us’ verse ‘them’ mentality… We are all in this together and we need to understand who the real enemy is. It’s not each other. Although it seems that is the narrative media is trying to push.
People have made decisions based on what is best for their family and situation.
Respect that.
Lets look at some “numbers”.
Q1- What are my chances of dying of covid?
(I couldn’t find any South African data in my age group)
I did an online risk assessment based off UK data and the following came up : I have a 0.0004% chance of death.
And we know from many data sources, that my age group has a much less chance of death than those over 85.
So lets use the UK data -> Chance of dying = 0.0004%
Q2- What are my chances of catching covid and then dying..
Apparently at worst case scenarios there is a 1 in 13 chances for a unvaccinated to catch covid
(how they came up with that answer I have no idea as it depends on a number of factors… but I am sure the “experts” know)
Therefore 1/13 x 0.0004% = 0.0000307% chance of me catching and then dying from covid.
Q3- What happened to flu?
Absolutely no comment needed here…
Q4- Is the vaccine safe?
According to this table from NHS
it looks like covid deaths are decreasing with the vaccines, but so many people are dying of other things?
The UK Office for National Statistics (ONS) have revealed that 30,305 (4388+14265+182+11470) people died within 21 days of having a Covid-19 vaccine in UK between 2-Jan and 2-July 2021.
A further 123,796 people died 21 days or more after having the Covid-19 vaccine.
It’s currently impossible to know the exact parameters for the further deaths unless ONS release the data in response to a Freedom of Information request.
However what I did find is data from the European database (as well as VAERS (US) ) of a lot of reported adverse side affects..
So according to their data the vac may decrease a Covid death (But remember it is only valid for 5 months -according to Fauci.. then you need a booster shot) but you are more likely to die of something else??
New VAERS numbers have been published.
In case you didn’t know The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) is a United States program for vaccine safety, co-managed by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Food and Drug Administration
At the time of writing this = 818,042 Adverse Events
127,641 Doctor Visits
83,412 Hospitalizations
92,017 Urgent Care
26,199 Disabled
10,179 Bell’s Palsy
10,304 Myocarditis
8,408 Heart Attacks
2,631 Miscarriages
17,128 Deaths
But they still say it is 100% Safe And Effective???
Please also keep in mind that this is data that has been reported only. That does not include ALL Adverse side effects.
Q5 – Chances of dying from the vaccine?
So from the UK Office for National Statistics Data – the Number of people vaccinated (2-Jan to 2-Jul ) in UK= 1st dose 45,137,108 and 2nd Does = 33,418,743
Chance of dying after 1st dose (from other causes)(14,265 + 66,533) / 45,137,108 x100 = 0,179%
Chance of dying after 1st dose (from Covid) (4 388+7 289)÷45 137 108 x100 = 0,0259%
Total = (0,179%+0,0259%) = 0.2048% (that is a 6000 times more chance of me dying from the 1st vaccine than catching and dying from covid and 512 time more chance of me dying from the 1st vaccine than dying from covid (if I had covid)
Chance of dying after 2nd dose (non covid) (11,470 +57,263) / 33,418,743 x100 =0,2% Chance of dying after 2nd dose (covid)(182+458)÷33 418 743×100 = 0,0019%
Fully vaccinated chance of death= 0.2048%+ 0,2019% = 0.4067% (that is 13,247 times more chance of me dying from being fully vaccinated than catching and dying from covid and 1,016 time more chance of me dying from the 2nd vaccine than dying from covid (if I had covid)
Looks to me like death rate increases with every dose and now they want to give booster shots?? How many? Until we have all died??
Fact – You can still get covid if you took the vaccine ( https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/effectiveness/why-measure-effectiveness/breakthrough-cases.html )
Fact – you can still spread covid if you took the vaccine (https://nortonhealthcare.com/news/can-you-spread-covid-after-vaccine/)
Fact – you can still die of covid and whole lot of other things if you took the vaccine (the stats above just proved that)
So then why would I risk getting all these other side effects from a vaccine that does not effectively do what it was suppose to? What I am selfish for not wanting to take the vaccine? Why are the vaccinated so afraid of the unvaccinated ?
Q6 – Why are they recommending it to Pregnant women?
This screenshot is from a medical journal
A few pregnant women took part in the v-safe trails.. of the 827 who reported a complete pregnancy, 104 experienced spontaneous abortions and 1 still born. Therefore if women are pregnant and take the vaccine they have a 12.69% chance of losing the baby!!! That is ridiculously high! And if the vaccine is potent enough to kill your baby what else is it doing to your reproductive system?
Why are they giving this trail vaccine to pregnant women anyway?
According to the VAERS data there have been many adverse affects on pregnant women – miscarriages.
There have also been many women reporting abnormal and very painful or heavy periods.. WHY?
Now they want to give it to children, who have only have a VERY small chance of dying of Covid??
Q5 – Natural immunity vs vaccine?
There is evidence to support natural immunity to covid is more effective than the vaccine – but they are still pushing for EVERYONE to get vaccinated.
There are now at least 91 studies done across multiple countries that have shown natural immunity to COVID-19 is more effective than any of the currently offered vaccines. – https://resistthemainstream.org/epidemiologist-lists-91-studies-that-now-show-natural-immunity-is-better-than-vaccine/?utm_source=telegram
Other stats that I am looking into=
- World Deaths 2019 vs 2020 vs 2021
- Deaths caused from other diseases – 2019 2020 2021
There is SOOOO much information out there related to side effects, risks, health problems. All it takes is a bit of digging and research and perhaps you will be looking at a different narrative to what is spoken about in the media and other so called “health professionals” , who seem to just be in it for the money.
In conclusion. Due to the data I have found and the information that I have gathered that is NO for me and my family! I will not take part in a clinical trial.
Some last thoughts.
- I am not down playing the pain that people have experienced of losing loved ones in this time. But perhaps things could have been different if the main narrative was not fear mongering.
- If you have taken the vac and that has made you feel safe then that is good for you. I hope and pray that you are not effected in any other way now and in the future.
- When was it ever about everyone is sick until proven healthy?
- When, in the past did governments ever get involved in our health and force mandates?
- If all the lockdowns/ masks/ job losses / control measures were really about your health then why have they not banned fast food, refined sugars, alcohol, drugs with other severe side effects etc.. and promoted health and natural immunity.
- What about medication that have a lot of doctors were prescribing that worked! – simple, inexpensive medication that won noble peace prizes.. (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33278625/) / (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8248252/)
- Who is making the most money from all this?? – Big Pharma, Big Tech, Governments.. Follow the money..
- Are the decisions you are making driven by fear?
- Why are they so desperate to put this thing into everyone?
- Why does the media not report on deaths from the vaccine?
- Why are they trying to divide the people?
- How much planning went into crafting this operation?
- Was covid made for the vaccine – control? Not the vaccine for covid.
We are all thinking what the heck is going on? When it will all end? What is the new normal?
I read this quote recently.
The one who reads the newspaper knows what is going on in the world,
The one who reads the Bible knows why
Thanks for reading.
Written by Shanna Jardim..
Just a ordinary person using a calculator, common sense and a lot courage. ♡
Data sources for your own reference:
- https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#demographics
- https://archive.vn/Sclur
- https://www.statista.com/statistics/1191568/reported-deaths-from-covid-by-age-us/
- https://www.adrreports.eu/en/search_subst.html# (Click on C and go to “covid”)
- https://openvaers.com/covid-data